Wednesday, September 14, 2016

REVIEW: Easy@Home 20 Pregnancy (HCG) Urine Test Strips Kit

These are so much less wasteful than other at-home tests. If you know you will be using a lot of pregnancy tests, these are great. The don't come with that giant plastic handle, which some might have a problem with, but if you are using disposable cups, there is no need for it. I should say that I received these free of charge so that I could try them out and leave an unbiased review of the product. I chose to give them 5 stars because they seem like a high quality product that is less wasteful than other brands out there. I am not required to give a positive review at all, I just think they deserve it, especially for the price that was listed when I wrote this. I have used them, and again, I recommend disposable cups, but with them, these are very easy to use. One stripe is not pregnant, two is pregnant -- simple.


Easy@Home 20 Pregnancy (HCG) Urine Test Strips Kit - 20 HCG Tests from Easy@Home

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